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Khajiit Overlord Rainer
Screw the video! Anyone seen my cousin, Waldo? He's ran off again.. glare.gif

It's already 1am over here. I just want to awake up in the morning and see the teaser trailer before anything else, although it seems unlikely...
Jorian Drake
mob gets ready... torches around ... a lot of pikey things get polished... it's like in Monty Phyton's... hmmm mob power!


Let's test how many witches there are between the devs! fing34.gif
still nothing... still no video... still nothing.... still no teaser.... still no trailer... 00... and nothing... nothing...
(mumles).... . ... ... (humbles) ... (chuckels)... (mumles)...
Heheheheee... hehehe heeeeeeeeeeeeeee...
Heeeee... eeeeeeee...
(mumles)... . .. ... ...... .. .. .
I knew it, I knew it!!!
AAAAAaaaaaaaaa!! *cought*cought*
(mumles)... .. ... . .... ..
still nothing... still no video... still nothing.... still no teaser.... still no trailer... 00... and nothing... nothing...
01:46 in Poland .... still nothing ...
it's not fair summer ! i won on the 1st thread and you unlocked it so far i am not the winner anymore !! totaly unfair :'(
going to sleep now...better be a nice video to watch when i wake up in 5 hours...
otherwise i think i have to call in sick to work...
ahh soon all these years of waiting will come to and end...
ahhh gimme a video...damn it....
pietrzak -

we got 6 hours to wait. get some sleep man, i suggest all of you do the same. goodnight.
QUOTE(NightWulF @ Jun 5 2007, 12:47 AM) *
it's not fair summer ! i won on the 1st thread and you unlocked it so far i am not the winner anymore !! totaly unfair :'(

go and tell on him tongue.gif
Well, I've dug down, and their time is based on a server, but i'm not sure if local time has any bearing on it.
Something to do with

The flash movie seems to get the time from that, how I don't know.

stop ();
eventDate = new Date(2007, 5, 5, 24, 0, 0);
eventMillisecs = eventDate.getTime();
countdown = function ()
    var _loc2 = server.time + getTimer();
    this.msecs = eventMillisecs - _loc2;
    if (this.msecs <= 0)
        play ();
    } // end if
    this.secs = Math.floor(this.msecs / 1000);
    this.mins = Math.floor(this.secs / 60);
    this.hours = Math.floor(this.mins / 60);
    this.days = Math.floor(this.hours / 24);
    this.msecs = String(this.msecs % 1000);
    this.secs = String(this.secs % 60);
    this.mins = String(this.mins % 60);
    this.hours = String(this.hours % 24);
    for (this.days = String(this.days); this.days.length < 2; this.days = "0" + this.days)
    } // end of for
    for (movie in this)
        if (this[movie]._parent == this)
        } // end if
    } // end of
MovieClip.prototype.evaluateFrameFrom = function (variableClip)
    var _loc2 = this._name.split("_");
    var _loc4 = variableClip[_loc2[0]];
    var _loc5 = Number(_loc2[1]);
    var _loc3 = 1 + Number(_loc4.charAt(_loc5));
    if (this._currentframe != _loc3)
    } // end if
server = new LoadVars();
server.onLoad = function (ok)
    if (!ok)
        trace ("Server error! Unable to obtain date from server");
    } // end if
    counter.onEnterFrame = countdown;
    counter._visible = true;
    this.time = Number(this.time) * 1000 - getTimer();
counter._visible = false;

Any flash guru's care to decipher that? I'm not so brushed up on that sort of coding.

Also, if this isnt allowed, please edit/delete, thanks.

Edit: The php is server side, counting down in seconds.
Why it's different for some people Im not too sure

Glad to see I'm not the only one who checked the sauce.  Was hoping they'd hired some idjet to do their PR/webpage and the link was already there just commented out.  No such luck.
yeah i understand that - it says if there is at least one fan whinning about oblivion with guns the teaser will autodestroy itself. after turning into our president's new year speech. which causes the same effect basically.
eny danish people here?
QUOTE(rfalias @ Jun 4 2007, 06:48 PM) *
Any flash guru's care to decipher that?

I am not guru, but it seems to calculate time locally if there is no value supplied by server.
Jorian Drake
QUOTE(Lokus @ Jun 5 2007, 01:48 AM) *
go and tell on him tongue.gif

pssst.....HER!!!! wink.gif

QUOTE(summer @ Jun 5 2007, 01:41 AM) *
QUOTE(NightWulF @ Jun 5 2007, 01:38 AM) *

hey i won ! summer give me back my win please !! xD

Why are you posting in my locked thread???

LOL LOL LOL!!!! 24.gif
Folks, I live in Virginia in the same time zone as Bethesda and it is only 7:49 PM on June 4. It will likely be another 14 hours before the teaser is posted. Theoretically, the teaser could be made available anywhere between 4 and just over 24 hours from now.

Relax. When it's up, it will be up and we can all watch it. Chill out.
I think it is from the server, via

i believe it returns in seconds

Edit:: NM, looks like Milliseconds hmm...
Pure nonsense. At least it isn't as bad as the NWN2's toolset prerelease.
QUOTE(Leupold @ Jun 5 2007, 01:52 AM) *
I am not guru, but it seems to calculate time locally if there is no value supplied by server.

Right, but does that means that we will have to wait till the day ends everywhere? (sorry for my english)
QUOTE(rfalias @ Jun 4 2007, 06:53 PM) *
I think it is from the server, via

i believe it returns in seconds

But it does not seem to work, because we are getting different dates wink.gif

Right, but does that means that we will have to wait till the day ends everywhere? (sorry for my english)

When they wake up in the morning and go to work, we will see the teaser. That should probably mean about 14:00 for you and me.
Yeah, I've decompiled that timer also. It shows nothing interesting other than the fact that it's counting down to 00:00.
Did the same thing with the music player, so now I have the theme music on repeat in Winamp, hehe...

/ Frank
Do me a favor, everyone who's countdown is at 00, go to and paste the results here.
For my bored and twisted personal curiosity

Also, the countdown timer means nothing for the release of the video.
Like the images, its when they put it up. Going by the past, its around 10:00 AM EST.
EST time is -5:00 GMT.
2:55 and time to sleep blink.gif
QUOTE(rfalias @ Jun 5 2007, 01:57 AM) *
Do me a favor, everyone who's countdown is at 00, go to and paste the results here.
For my bored and twisted personal curiosity

5th June 2007
QUOTE(rfalias @ Jun 4 2007, 06:57 PM) *
Do me a favor, everyone who's countdown is at 00, go to and paste the results here.
For my bored and twisted personal curiosity

lucky i've night vision perk at 120%...i'll be waiting..till morning
QUOTE(rfalias @ Jun 4 2007, 06:57 PM) *
Do me a favor, everyone who's countdown is at 00, go to and paste the results here.
For my bored and twisted personal curiosity

your curiosity is cured:


GMT +2
QUOTE(Leupold @ Jun 5 2007, 01:56 AM) *
But it does not seem to work, because we are getting different dates wink.gif
When they wake up in the morning and go to work, we will see the teaser. That should probably mean about 14:00 for you and me.

heh ... .as allways .... war never changes smile.gif
Jorian Drake
QUOTE(Nikki! @ Jun 5 2007, 01:59 AM) *
5th June 2007

Hungary here:


Its enough posting that, it seems that php getdate works fine, but flash for some reason does not read it.

And there is no point to research that anymore, because probably everyone is staring at 00.
lol kind alot of responses... gnite anyway.
Jorian Drake
QUOTE(Leupold @ Jun 5 2007, 02:03 AM) *
Its enough posting that, it seems that php getdate works fine, but flash for some reason does not read it.

And there is no point to research that anymore, because probably everyone is staring at 00.

I hope anyone has a torch and some pikey things (in worst case atleast a toothpick?) 932.gif
Nat Never

What a let down! I was hoping for a nice Fallout trailer in the morning after some earth-shattering bad news I heard yesterday.

Hopefully I'll get it before the day ends.
I'll try again. People, it isn't happening yet. It is now June 4th, around 8:00 pm here. There are still 4 hours until midnight. I seriously doubt any Bethesda people are going to go into work to post the teaser at 12:00. It isn't going to be posted until June 5th, Bethesda time, at whatever time Bethesda decides to post it.

You may be able to find your time zone here, you should also be able to find Bethesda's time zone. It doesn't matter what time it is where you may be; the teaser will be posted on Bethesda's schedule. Bethesda is in the Eastern Standard Time zone.

Maryland Time Zone

Maryland is in the Eastern Time Zone in the United States of America (USA). Eastern Standard Time (EST) is 5 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time (GMT-5).
I've got it!

this.secs = Math.floor(this.msecs / 1000);
this.mins = Math.floor(this.secs / 60);
this.hours = Math.floor(this.mins / 60);
this.days = Math.floor(this.hours / 24);

that time you all posted is the time left in MS.

Take that time, divide it by 1000, divide that by 60, then 60 again, then 24.
That is the hours left, but it seems off, or there is some calculation i missed.
It returns about 13 or so.

As far as the 00 for some, only thing i can think of is its borked.

Also, either way, it really doesn't matter because the countdown is not posting images.
Like i said earlier, regardless of timezone, about 13-14 hours at least before you will see a trailer.
Just 4 to 40 hours left for the trailer.
Jorian Drake
QUOTE(Gennoveus @ Jun 5 2007, 02:06 AM) *
What a let down! I was hoping for a nice Fallout trailer in the morning after some earth-shattering bad news I heard yesterday.

Hopefully I'll get it before the day ends.

you mean another earth-shattering bad news? hubbahubba.gif
It's only 5pm here...

i want game:(
Jorian Drake
QUOTE(Talaran @ Jun 5 2007, 02:07 AM) *
I'll try again. People, it isn't happening yet. It is now June 4th, around 8:00 pm here. There are still 4 hours until midnight. I seriously doubt any Bethesda people are going to go into work to post the teaser at 12:00. It isn't going to be posted until June 5th, Bethesda time, at whatever time Bethesda decides to post it.

You may be able to find your time zone here, you should also be able to find Bethesda's time zone. It doesn't matter what time it is where you may be; the teaser will be posted on Bethesda's schedule. Bethesda is in the Easter Standard Time zone.

Maryland Time Zone

Maryland is in the Eastern Time Zone in the United States of America (USA). Eastern Standard Time (EST) is 5 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time (GMT-5).

umm...why make a timer then if its not released at zero anyway? huh.gif

... mellow.gif
So I'll set my alarm clock to 6:00 smile.gif
thats why its not more precice than days...
since years we waited for a game called "fallout 3". we bared this counter to go down to Z E R O... beth, lets see now what you did with this fallout license... heck, its about time...

must go to university in a few hours... but i cannot sleep like this. let us see the teaser now, and end this pain, for thousands of people you wanna sell this game to.
QUOTE(rfalias @ Jun 5 2007, 12:57 AM) *
Do me a favor, everyone who's countdown is at 00, go to and paste the results here.
For my bored and twisted personal curiosity
Also, the countdown timer means nothing for the release of the video.
Like the images, its when they put it up. Going by the past, its around 10:00 AM EST.
EST time is -5:00 GMT.


1:17 here
QUOTE(Jorian Drake @ Jun 4 2007, 08:14 PM) *
umm...why make a timer then if its not released at zero anyway? huh.gif
... mellow.gif

I actually think it is, with enough dividing and other stuff in that script for the flash thing, it looks like it points to 9am est, but that could be purely coincidence.
But since the timer goes days only, it can't get very exact
But Ill stick with my bet of 9am EST. © 2007,