{100}{}{You see a Hubbian.} {101}{}{I can't believe I'm alive and I CAN'T believe you took them all out! Wait, what am I saying? I'm alive, aren't I? I'll believe anything you tell me right now.} {102}{}{I'm going to kill you now.} {103}{}{Give me all your money!} {104}{}{Clean up your life and get out of here or I'll finish you off, too!} {105}{}{Uk?} {106}{}{Uh, but? You? (sigh) Okay, do it quickly please. I hate pain.} {107}{}{Don't hurt me!} {108}{}{Okay. (He gives you 20 hub bucks.) Can I go now?} {109}{}{Yes.} {110}{}{No.} {111}{}{Uh, why?} {112}{}{Because I said so! Do you have a problem with that?} {113}{}{Okay, you can leave.} {114}{}{No, sorry, sir! Please don't hurt me -- I don't like pain!} {115}{}{No, sorry, ma'am! Please don't hurt me -- I don't like pain!} {118}{}{Are you stupid? I mean, thanks an awful lot for saving my life, kind sir. I've got to be going now. Bye.} {119}{}{Are you stupid? I mean, thanks an awful lot for saving my life, kind ma'am. I've got to be going now. Bye.} {122}{}{Yes . . . yes . . . yes sir. I'll never do anything bad, ever again! I . . . I won't cheat. I won't lie, blackmail, rob, murder or kidnap.} {123}{}{Yes . . . ye . . . yes ma'am. I'll never do anything bad, ever again! I . . . I won't cheat. I won't lie, blackmail, rob, murder or kidnap.} {126}{}{Just get out of here!} {127}{}{You're a liar!} {128}{}{Yes, sir!} {129}{}{Yes, ma'am!}